About the owner: Mau Duque

Mau Duque is a Registered Nurse in the Philippines. He is currently wasting that nursing license and works as a Freelance SEO Specialist . He used to work as a Trauma Nurse at Orlando Regional Medical Center. He does not miss that job, just the paycheck.

Mau Duque is very much in-love with gadgets and technology and would be more than willing to go hungry just to buy the technology he wants. He loves android phones and gadget, great sounding headphones, really awesome apps and games as well as a few comics and tv series here and there. He keeps tabs on Apple products just to see how they are copying new Android technology(I'm looking at you Notification bar).

Mau Duque is a  true self-confessed Android fanboy, as evidenced by his collection of Nexus Phones and tablets, and would be more than willing to go on a Holy War with Apple if the need arises.

He is a follower of the lost Art of Manliness and insist that he shaves using a safety razor than to buy those overly expensive cartridges. He stocks up on Brylcreem because it looks good on his hair. He still uses a fountain pen because it discourages people from borrowing his pen because they don't know how to use it. Mau Duque believes that the classic approach never fades. Like what they say, If it's good enough for my grandpa and dad, it's good enough for me.

He spends most of his time eating out with his girlfriend. You can easily find them walking around malls, coffee shops or movie theaters. You can see them walking around cosplay conventions and Comic book conventions every now and then.

Mau Duque is a classic I-S-T-J in the Myers-Briggs test. And has always been sorted to the Slytherin house including Pottermore. He is very proud of this fact.

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